Feb 01, 2010 13:18
Hi all,
I've been working on a translation of the script of La Esperanza. It's 99% done but there are still a few words I'm having trouble with. I'd appreciate any help!
Here are the words:
ウルダン Presumably a Spanish last name. What can I say, I was a French student. ^^;
トドス Presumably a Spanish last name.
控え室 My dictionary says "waiting room," but that doesn't seem quite right in this context. It's a room at a club where someone was taken to lie down after he fainted.
エリア My dictionary says "area," but again it doesn't seem to work in context. It's the name of the section of the play before the "opening."
芝居場 This sounds pretty straightforward, but is confusing in context: "Applause and cheering. 芝居場. The music starts again . . ."