Hey guys!
To start off with I want to apologize if I ramble or sound off, I jetlagged and too tired to think. I was gonna leave writing this 'til tomorrow but I just can't. :P I'd also really like to thank all of you who've been so friendly and helpful to me the last couple of months, I really appreciate it. ^_^
Anyways, I'm finally here! I'm in Tokyo! *happydance* So now I have a few questions (as always!).
I've already looked up how to get to the Tokyo Theatre so I don't think that will be a problem. *fingers crossed* I'm loving the Tokyo subways, they seem stupidly easy to access. At first the Shinjuku station confused the hell out of me and my friends, but that might just been lack of sleep and nerves. When we eventually managed to find the right line it was just so easy to get to Azabu-juban! ^_^ Oh right, getting off-track, sorry!
I'm hoping to get tickets to Russian Blue and Legend Ver. II and what would be the easiest way to get this? Just going to the theatre and asking? These are the two shows that I'm aiming to get S-tickets for, atleast once. Other than that I want to see as many shows as possible, as often as possible, but for those I'll take any shows. I've read about Ticket Pias and the like but my kanji is very limited so I'm scared of getting it wrong. :S My spoken Japanese is... managable. But are there any frases that are important to know/understand when going to see a show? I want to attend Irimachi and Demachi as often as possible (yeah I know, crazy right? Yukigumi <3) and don't want to make a fool out of myself by being in the way and not understanding if they tell me off. :P Ah that's a good point, can you attend them even if you're not going to see the show that day?
I'm dying to buy some goodies, and am so grateful for the directions to the shops that I found somewhere on here. Yeah I spent an absurd amount of time reading old entries. :P And I guess my final question (I'm sure there were more but I can't remember them!) is if anyone else is going to see any shows in Tokyo for the next six months? And if you'r attending any Irimachi or Demachi in that case? I mean, we might not be able to get tickets for the same show but maybe we could meet up for a coffee before or after the Iri/Dem? :) I'm dying to make new friends who know Zuka! I have a few at home but they're at the other side of the planet. :P Argh I had a brief glimps of something else I wanted to ask but it went in one ear and out the other. O_o
Ah! I remember one more thing; What is this Salon de Takarazuka? I saw a post to an explanation but I wasn't clever enough to click it and I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard so I might as well ask since I'm here anyways. :P
Much loooove Debbs