Osa's Fan Club : Now open to overseas residents!

Aug 01, 2008 22:15

Haruno Sumire's fan club Dolce has officially announced on their website that they will accept application for membership from the overseas Osa fans.
For details, carefully read the following.
*Read the response to "Q: 日本国外に住んでいるのですが、ファンクラブに入会できますか?" (I live outside Japan. Can I apply for fan club membership?)
Dolce's response in summary :
The ansewer is yes, on the following conditions:
-All correspondence will be done in Japanese.
-The annual membership fee for an overseas member is yen 10,000 for the first year (incl. mailing cost) and yen 9,000 from the second year and on.
-If you agree with the terms, make a request by using "お問い合わせフォーム” (Inquiry Form -  located at the bottom of the webpage).
Dolce will advise the application procedures by return.

<How to fill in お問い合わせフォーム>
*お問い合わせ項目 (Type of Inquiry) :  choose その他 (other) from the drop-down menu
*会員・非会員 (member / non-member) : choose 非会員 (non-member)
会員番号 (membership #) : skip
*名前 (Name): Type your name
*ふりがな  (furigana ) :  Type your name in  Japanese  hiragana
items under 住所 (Address)
郵便番号 (Japanese zip-code) :  skip
都道府県 (state) : choose 日本国外 (overseas) from the drop-down menu
都道府県以下:  Type in your address including zip code and  country
電話番号: telephone number
*メールアドレス: e-mail address
*お問い合わせ内容 (content of inquiry) :  type in ”Dolce海外会員希望"  (application for overseas membership)
*=required fields

Click 確認画面へ(view) at the bottom when completed.
Check the screen. If OK, click 上記の内容で送信します>>(submit). If not, click <<前に戻り修正します(edit).

FYI : Dolce's members-only site has several menus including a fabulous photo gallery (more than 80 pictures) of Osa.
Her blog is coming soon (hmm, can she keep up?).

dolce, .star: haruno sumire, fan clubs, og

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