The Zuka Life

Apr 11, 2007 11:09

You know Takarazuka has taken over your REAL life when...

1. You keep hearing "E-LI-SA-BETH... ima koso..." or "Onaji Sora Ni..." in your head.. 
2. You are seriously considering taking up opera singing and ballet classes...
3. You have separate windows for Youtube and LiveJournal on your desktop ALL THE TIME...
4. When you are supposed to be thinking of a new company name or brand name to register for your business, the words that keep coming up are 'Osa', 'Asa', 'Osasa', 'Hana', 'Haruno'... etc. 
5. You contemplate gelling your hair up and going out in men's clothing (with my appearance, I will never be able to enter the Ladies EVER again... I already had some uncomfortable glares when I was in Japan) 
6. You start wondering if you are really straight, especially if you are a crazy Osasa fan... (but I already questioned myself that when I was into Willow/Tara from Buffy and The L Word.. *ok, iisugimashita I said too much*)
7. Your sister tries to avoid you at home, because all you can talk about is Takarazuka...
8. You trade viewing time with your sister... If I watch one clip of Nodame Cantabile, she has to watch one clip of Takarazuka...
9. You spend ALL your free time, reading up on Osasa (even if it's not a familiar language) on the web, like it's some kind of HOMEWORK...
10. You cannot concentrate on your work in the office... (which is exactly what is happening now!!!)
11. You are not very interested in shopping anymore, because you want to save up to buy Zuka stuff online...
12. You bug your friends who are staying in Japan for their address so your Zuka stuff will get delivered there...  
13. Your personal message on MSN is always related to Zuka...

Have you been Zuka-ed today?

Just some random thoughts... quite curious to know how Zuka has affected everybody... mind sharing?

"you know..." lists

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