I went to the Versailles no Bara 50th Anniversary Exhibition as an early birthday present for myself

Sep 18, 2022 12:44

Yes, another exhibition. Believe it or not I actually haven't done much sightseeing at all, and this

Was only the second time I've seen Tokyo Tower and I haven't been up close. But Monday is my birthday and we have a storm warning coming (in fact it's raining real hard rn) so since I already bought a ticket I figured I should go haul my ass to Roppongi and visit the exhibition anyway.

They have a Takarazuka section and so I get to see Wao and Hana-sama! That was a nice surprise.

We got to see costumes too so that was fun.

More pics:

I hope I can afford to go to USJ soon cause I want the Jujutsu Kaisen merchs so bad. I did get to also see Somegorō in Kabuki-za the other day so that was a delight

アニメ・漫画, takarazuka

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