- 01:01 @ rhiller too much? I've hardly tweeted at all except for replies. Methinks twitter bustification threw all my tweets at u at once, per usual #
- 11:55 @ laurenincarnate That's badass! Now you've got me wondering where in my neck of the woods I can find neato stuffs like that. :) #
- 12:54 One of the fish I was sitting died. Who feels like a dick? This guy... #
- 13:03 @ laurenincarnate No! It wasn't me! It was the one armed, um... crab? #
- 14:54 Mid-class break in a 2hr algebra/trig class. Have a feeling I'll be counting the minutes til this moment every tues and thurs. #
- 16:19 @ laurenincarnate whabuhfuh? Wha'hoppened? o.O #
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