Good Morning World!... and apartment maintenance guy... >.

Aug 18, 2009 09:04

So I had a awkward experience this morning.

I am a morning person, the boyfriend is not... in the slightest... at all. I pop up like a daisy at 8am even with out an alarm, he normally will drag himself out of bed like a zombie at noon on the weekends. It's kind of adorable, but I digress.

Because of this fact, I get up with our puppy, Jericho, every morning and do our morning routine and Eddy will put him to bed because he stays up later.

I let him out to use the bathroom, feed him, play with him, and let him follow me around as I get ready. Well, he's gotten so good with going out to do his business and coming straight back in, I don't have to go out with him anymore, I can just stand by the door and wait. So I have gotten lazy and have just been going down in my panties and bra so I can let him out sooner, not have to get completely dressed every morning before he gets to go out. It's out the back door, there is not a soul on that back walkway at that time in the morning, lots of trees for cover from the other apartments, so I feel safe to just poke my head out.

All of this to explain that this morning, in all my matching crimson red panties and bra combo glory (at least it was a sports bra) when I let the puppy out, just at that moment a maintenance guy for our apartment complex was walking right by the door. Jericho being a good guard dog that he is (sigh) immediately alerted me there was a guy a few feet away by barking his head off. Well this also let the guy know we were there too, and made him look in our direction. I matched the color of my underwear at that moment and immediately dove behind the door. I smiled a little and said, "Good Morning!" and gave a wave. I knew he saw, and he knew that I knew. Nothing needed to be said other than an exchange of greetings.

Needless to say from this point on I am wearing a robe to go down stairs in the morning.
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