The Price of Lube

Apr 27, 2013 15:44

Title: Gather and Gone
Rating: PG
Words: 2,848
Summary: Grimm episode 2x15 tag. Nick and Monroe.

No permanent damage, Rosalee had said. They’re dead, she’d assured him, but it was hard to believe when the skin around his eyes crawled, inflamed bad enough to made them water.

Nick couldn’t sleep. )

fic:grimm, fic

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Comments 4

anonymous May 16 2013, 20:42:18 UTC
This. Is. Awesome!!


takadainmate June 3 2013, 09:23:05 UTC
Thanks! XD


pixiequeen10thk May 29 2013, 23:03:52 UTC
Mmm lovely squishy HC. I really should be asleep but instead I'm catching up on what I missed with your fic and getting hooked!


takadainmate June 3 2013, 09:23:35 UTC
Haha glad you liked this! Glad to see you are still keeping up with Grimm! I love that show too much...


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