"If we were both Jason Todd and we went drinking..."

Jan 10, 2013 16:38

It's the magical never-ending h/c fic of doom! Now that the madness of xmas exchanges is over I can get back to editing this behemoth.

Also, why do I keep agreeing to go out drinking? It's seriously cutting into my comic reading time.

Title: Half Lost, Half Found (2/5)
Rating: PG for language and violence
Words: 5,359 this part
Summary: ( Read more... )

fic:nightwing, fic:batfam, fic

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Comments 6

ext_717496 January 12 2013, 21:30:38 UTC
This is very, very good. I haven't read a lot of fic set during this phase of Dick and Bruce's relationship. The way they both care and fail at communicating but but kind of guess anyways is complicated, messy, and very real. I'm so glad I'm getting to read this story. Excited that there will be more.


takadainmate January 25 2013, 10:47:13 UTC
Thank you for commenting! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. Rest assured the bulk of this fic is already written I just have to find time to edit it! It got a little out of control. :D


anonymous January 14 2013, 14:35:13 UTC
Awesome, please update soon!!


takadainmate January 25 2013, 10:47:40 UTC
Glad you liked this!


nikojen January 24 2013, 16:02:41 UTC
OMG, you are literally my favorite person ever right now.

I've never been a comics person, and it's just been in the past two days that I've made the jump from "Hmmmm... Nightwing in Young Justice is kinda hot. I should check that out." to flailing madly at the overall Batman & Nightwing thing with all the history and the angst and the messy sort-of-father/son thing with the push-pulls and loyalty and just... *SQUEEEEEE!*

And then I went looking for fic, hoping to find ANYTHING to satisfy that immediate h/c itch, and there this fic is, just exactly exactly EXACTLY what I needed, with the two of them and their relationship and the sense of their history and the yummy perfect h/c. It's just giving voice to all the jumble of "feels" I've got going on in that h/c spot in the pit of my stomach for these two before I'd even quite figured out how badly I needed it.

Thank you so much! :)


takadainmate January 25 2013, 10:49:56 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comment! I can't believe how little fic there is looking at Dick and Bruce and their messed up relationship and HURT COMFORT with them! So of course I had to go and write it myself. I love them so much in the comics! I'm glad you like this so much and it's always great to talk to others with that same dedication to the glory of h/c!

More will hopefully not be too long away.... I just really hate editing... XD


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