Had an Emotion

Nov 22, 2012 10:03

This new job is so special. Like all my jobs, really. I'm getting the impression it's only the crazy places that employ me. There's no time for anything but work these days really, which is sad, but this job comes with such a lot of power and responsibility it kind of makes up for it.

In other news, I'm confused about what fandom I'm in. I seem to be reading and writing and watching all over the place. I have come to the conclusion that my primary fandom at the moment must be Dick Grayson's arse.

Speaking of which, it is the time of year for cienna and I's fantabulous Xmas cards. If you'd like one, go here and take the poll and a masterpiece of MS Paint and ground-breaking design will find its way to your door! You know you want to.

p.s. I really hate Macs.

i have a life, insert dick joke, working goes here

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