Cutestiel, 色々いろ

Mar 22, 2011 13:47

Things have now calmed down at work, which is a great relief. It also helped that I ran away from London for the weekend to my mum's house. She lives in the middle of nowhere, and whilst it's intensely boring, it's also a very beautiful area. My bro was home, which is never dull, and it was, for once, a warm, sunny weekend! Shocking, I know.

When my family gathers, Cava is drunk. This is a rule.

Saturday we went to the interestingly named Lacock. It's pronounced Lay-cock, but we call it La-cock because we are that childish. My brother calls it "twee" and it was one of the locations where Harry Potter was filmed. Some other BBC period dramas were filmed there too.

I swear the camera on my phone is better than my actual camera. Also, there's something about Emporiums that makes me laugh.

Sakura! Sadly I had no sake, and I'm not sure how the vicar would've felt about random people having a drinking party in the church yard, but it's certainly pretty.

Sunday we went to Devizes, to the Caen Lock flight. I've been to all these places before, but it'd been a while. Also, we got to pass Cock Street and see a squished badger on the road. Poor badger.

The Kennet & Avon canal. I actually spent a lot of my childhood on this canal. I could tell you so many things about canal safety. And navvies. And canal tunnel ghost stories we were told at school. I used to love those.

This sign amused me.

So, relaxed, I am back at work, and have actually managed to get 3K into my spnj2 Big Bang. Finally. A slightly pathetic wordcount, but less pathetic than zero.

Also today, I was amused to read about Ed Miliband (and his brother) in the Eigoku news...

Peaches Geldoff has interesting taste in men. The author of this "learn random English phrases" section clearly does too.

life exists beyond london, life's blood, photos

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