*stares at you in mute horror*

Mar 01, 2011 12:54


Part 1.


Part 2.

I have done many things. These include:

Going to the Book of the Dead Exhibition at the British Museum.

It was crowded and hot, but interesting. Exceptionally, I'm not really into Egyptian funerary customs, and everyone who knows me will know my feelings towards shabti, but I learnt a few things, and saw some beautiful papyri and I can't complain about that. The highlight was definitely the funerary papyrus of Nestanebtasheru, which is the longest "Book of the Dead" papyri yet found. Whilst not as beautiful as some in terms of art and colour, its length is truly epic. We spent several hours there, and I practiced my tour-giving by explaining lots of random things to cienna which she may or may not have actually been interested in. XD

The Wedding of multiclassgeek and zoeiona/Redemption 11 in Coventry

It was a really great wedding, lots of fun, and most of the Merlin crowd were there. I shall be girly this once and say that zoeiona's dress was gorgeous. The drinks were cheap, the ceremony at the con made burkesl17 cry, and the ceilidh was fabulous exercise! The conversation at our table was suitably disturbing.

Lee coveted our £1.50 glasses of wine. I'm really not sure why.

cienna and I hung around on Saturday for the convention itself and I must say the panels we went to were fascinating;

Vices in Fanfiction - came to the conclusion that there are lots and they are used often.

Kimono workshop - I have dubious sewing skillz, but making kimono looks easy enough even for me. Except, of course, it's just so much easier to buy them.

Rope bondage for writers - learnt rope safety and a few interesting knots. This one will certainly come in useful. ;)

The Future of Feminism - okay. This one was raeg!inducing and included so much wtf!ery that I think my brain started leaking out my ears. Anecdotes do not prove points. The Bible is not a valid reason for female subjugation (WTF WOMAN?!). Your tragic life also does not prove points. Your essentialising is so last century. I cry for the future of feminism, if this is what it looks like.

Plot writing workshop - surprisingly useful for my bigbang.

Cliches in fanfic - definitely the funniest panel all day. There are lots of these too. We love them.

Ye Olde Slash Panel - interestingly, apparently attended by a couple of anti-slash people who seemed to think we were all going to gaol for our dirty underage incest rps ways. Misconceptions about Japanese pornography abounded. Someone else in the audience was a Clameron shipper who I wish I'd had the chance to talk to.

A lot of time was spent sitting around chatting and drinking, and the con had a nice laid-back atmosphere to it that I really enjoyed. The Master bribed me for his vote with a Malteser. I am that cheap.

Before we left on Sunday, we also stopped by the Egyptology in Sci-Fi talk, which was given by someone from the Petrie Museum. Nothing really new, and they talked about Doctor Who rather than Stargate, but there were some interesting objects shown none the less. And the lecturer mentioned the gloriously pervy story of Set and Horus, which is my third favourite Egyptian myth, so that was a bonus.

Whilst Coventry was not exactly glorious, I would definitely go to another fan-oriented event.

(The hotel was not exactly stunning, or even vaguely good; the breakfast being decidedly dodgy and the view from our room consisting of the ring road and a bingo hall...)

You can't have everything, I suppose.

Next: Military and Naval History of the Early 19th Century, or One Hundred More Ways to Avoid Writing your Big Bang

cows and associated behaviour, life exists beyond london, shokushu for you, life's blood, it all seemed like such a good idea

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