- hyphen -

Jan 31, 2011 12:34

Last weekend was Portsmouth pilgrimage day. I learnt many useful and interesting things, and was very cold for a very long time. As brilliant a day as it was, I slightly hate them for tormenting me by having a Patrick O'Brian weekend that costs nearly £500. If only I had that much to spare then I wouldn't have to consider taking that shitty second job I don't want. Why is it that I can't get jobs I do want, but I can get ones I don't?

In less annoying things, the Russian version of Hound of the Baskervilles included arseless chaps. I really don't remember that being in the original version. This was certainly the highlight for me. The woman with the smoker's hacking cough reminded me of a visit to the Bolshoi, where a cat meowed all the way through the second half of Aïda.

It's been a busy week all round, meeting new people, considering whether I really want to subject myself to the potential for more "Do you think aliens built the pyramids?" questions at the British Museum, research, nipply!Neal in White Collar, woobie!Peter in Fringe, beautiful Balthazar... in my head (and in littlehollyleaf's), writing crap, getting a paper cut, getting a hair cut, and completely not getting to touch up yavannauk's hoodie yesterday at the Merlin meet. ;_;

What should have been an SPN episode party on Saturday became a "let's watch old eps and be less angry" party. I remember drinking quite a lot, and I remember the bus driver at Croydon waiting for me to catch up to him, and there was cake in there somewhere too.

I mentioned a really speshul Sarah Palin Steampunk comic, which sadly none of the SPN party people had had the traumapleasure of seeing. Highly recommended. In the most disturbing, bizarre manner possible.

On the subject of links, for those with an interest in politics/education/history this article on Michael Gove, education reform, and what lessons history can teach politicians is both fascinating and relevant.

Now, at the glorious Merlin meet yesterday, wherein a few of us were nursing hangovers, cienna was once again harassing me for fic. (Don't get me wrong. I sekritly love it when she does that.) This led to thinking about all the unfinished things I had written, and how long I had let them linger unloved and unpublished. So, because I'm avoiding work, I made a list and it actually wasn't anywhere near as epic as I thought it would be. I excluded all fic I have no intention of ever finishing, and what remains is as follows:

Unfinished, languishing in long-term limbo

Desert/betrayal fic, Tsubasa, 5+years
Printing press fic, Tsubasa (for ontogenesis, no I haven't forgotten about this fic though you may have XD), 4+ years
Political/morris dancing fic, Hetalia, c.2 years
Love Potion fic, Merlin, c.2 years
Krampus fic (pts 2 and 3), Merlin, c.2 years
Old man vessel fic, Supernatural, c.6 months
De-aged Sam and Gabriel fic, Supernatural, c. 4 months
Doctor Sexy threesome fic, Supernatural, c.4 months
Sherlock and John h/c, Sherlock, c.4 months

Unfinished, in-progress

Kuro/Fai h/c fic, Tsubasa, two weeks ago
Gift fic (for weirdwednesday, don't worry. I promise I won't make you wait 4 years like my poor friend above...), Supernatural, last week
Cold fingers fic, Master & Commander, this morning

Giving fic a title is one of the last things I do, so everything is given a descriptor. Contrapasso was the "hell fic". That fic about Jeff the cherub was called "the Jeff fic". That fic about the yuki-onna was, oddly enough, called "the yuki-onna fic", or else, "that fucking bastard". I show love through insults, as thisissirius knows all too well.

Some of these fics (namely, the Love Potion, Krampus and Old man vessel fics) are very long (14K, 11K and 30K respectively). It seems a hideous waste to leave them sitting on my hard-drive. Perhaps some suggestions for methods to help finish things? It doesn't help that I could very easily compose another not-short list of fics I plan to write in the near future. Perhaps I need a new hobby. Like knitting.


p.s. This LJ now comes with organised fic tags. Generally, I reject all forms of logical tagging on my journal but finding specific things was getting too annoying, even for me. So, yey, go forth and click with ease, and I shall be in a corner feeling slightly embarrassed at how much I've written, and very confused that I wrote Seien/Ensei and don't even remember doing it.

links i like, i have a life but it's a bit tragic, missions!, life exists beyond london, life's blood, obsession du jour, srs bsns

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