Proto-stalker, the Kimono Dragon worshippers, Christmas Card hell

Dec 20, 2010 11:59

This shall be my, "things I should have put up earlier" post. It's not even midday and already I have finished and posted my Yuletide fic (which is pleasantly cute and disturbing in equal measure), and beta'd another. It also took me two hours to get to work. Fecking snow.

Here are Marvelous Things, all of them, and none related to the furry growths of mould I discovered in my flat at the weekend.

Belatedly, but lovingly, first I present Christmas In Camelot Part 2: Ressurection of the Poster of Luring. To make up for lost time, we had two. Or possibly because there were so many of us. Ahhhh fun, nostalgic times.

Secondly, cienna suggested I share the magical MS Paint masterpiece I created for her Xmas card. It will be mostly appreciated by those of you know know Master & Commander and/or like to look at very bad art work. It's not a Titanic parody really. I swear. Even if I do entitle this piece, "Their early nineteenth century naval gay love will go on... for twenty books."

Finally, and most impressively, for my birthday pixiequeen10thk made a beautiful cover for my very first SPN epic fic, A Vague Memory of Wisdom.

Absolutely stunning! I love it, and I love you, my dear! ♥

Now that all my Xmas Exchange fics are complete, I shall take a brief rest from writing to contemplate my next project, which I'm sure you're all hoping will not be more MS paint art.

(I think this is the first time I have ever used the "productive" mood. Hm.)

cows and associated behaviour, mspaint is my best friend, working goes here

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