Sponge Ten Packs on the Stairs

Aug 04, 2010 15:30

Oh hai new boss. I think we struck a good deal here. We both don't do work and no one says anything.

You make me serve green tea for your guests you order me some really good tea from Japan. It had better be really damn awesome.

Arg. I am never going to stop feeling irritated every time I get asked to do this.

Also, fic writing is an evil past time. In fact, it appears to be my only past time at the moment, because I have six fics to write and one of them if the Big Bang that just WON'T FINISH EVER. Well, I suppose there's drinking too, and having lengthy conversations on the phone to my mum about my brother needs to grow a back bone. But not much going on besides.

This entry brought to you by the letter I AM NOT A FUCKING TEA MAID.

EDIT: I made the tea really strong. Take that, men-things. Good to see I haven't forgotten my passive-agressive tea-making skills.

i have a life but it's a bit tragic, working goes here, i like a fine whine

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