Keep Calm and Blow Me, Cas

May 06, 2010 08:43

As I sat at my desk yesterday morning idly rotating between writing a letter to a business partner, reading Cities, War and Terrorism for a phD I'm considering applying to, and reading a truly cracktastic Jensen/Misha fic, I realised just how bizarre my work life actually is. Am I ever going to be able to give up a job that allows me to do this? It's a problem.

In other work-related news, I have finally trained my new boss to properly write cheques.

Had a great weekend meeting up with some of the wonderful SPN occasional meet-ups peoples and going to see Iron Man 2. There was also a disturbing amount of sake drunk in there somewhere. I have the epic pile of bottles in my recycling bin to prove it.

As promised, this is the fabulous, amazing tentacle/Dean fic I was talking to miki_moo about. It is all kinds of wrong, and yet so right. Highly recommended for the shokushu-loving crowd.

Finally, I hope that all the Britons of voting age on my flist are going to be the responsible and politically engaged lot I know you all are and vote not for Creepy Cameron today! I sort of want to see Brown cry.

i have a life, shokushu for you, life's blood, working goes here, obsession du jour, srs bsns

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