"I found Jesus, but no tentacles"

Apr 13, 2010 10:23

Busy times.

I have a new boss. He is less observant than the last one, and a lot less passive-aggressive. This is both good, in that it means lots of fic writing time, and bad, in that it encourages me to be even more lazy and I didn't actually think that was possible. Until the new boss (who is not my twin, like the old boss, but does at least enjoy drinking -even if his favourite beer is Foster's. The heathen.) knows what he's doing I have a lot of freedom to do whatever I want. This is quite nice.

So, lots of travelling about and visiting touristy things lately.

Me, cienna, our baby tentacle monster Lee, gnine and a friend of hers all went to Hampton Court for a fun time of looking at old stuff, watching amusing reenactment things and searching for angels and tentacles in the artwork. gnine has a lot of fantastic photos from our visit at her journal.

Also, a few weeks ago now was the excellent London Merlin Meets medieval banquet, which I completely forgot to write about. It was a fun night filled with terrible beer, very good food, and a lot of men wearing dresses.

(Massive photo warning goes here.)

Lee was with us at the banquet. He danced, ate, drank and was merry (with all the Merlin meets people).

There was also an old man in a Beefeater uniform. It was my duty to molest him.

Moving on to last weekend, I took a day trip with cienna and her parenty types and gnine to Stonehenge and Bath. We spent much of the bus journey discussing in great great detail the previous day's Supernatural episode, and it's most glorious preview for next week. We did eventually manage to get our minds off impending televisual doom by looking at the pretty stones of Stonehenge. And the sheep. And the hills.

To be honest, this is the area my mum lives in so it's not particularly exciting for me, but I can't deny we had a beautiful day for it, and great company. It also helped that Lee came along with us for more ridiculous picture-taking fun.

Tentacle Monster Stonehenge Apocalypse?

Lee is such a poser, but cienna and I are proud parents...

After an all-too short whip round the stones it was back to the bus for the trip to Bath. I know Bath very well, but I hadn't been inside the old Roman bath ruins in a long time so it was fun to see them again.

The water was warm, and very very green and dodgy-looking.">.

We tried some of the famed healing water too. It was also warm, sulphery and not really that tasty.

Another thing I never get to do when I go to Bath is to go into the Catherdral. This is because my mum has no interest in history or architecture or anything like that, and we always end up shopping. So it was great to finally see the interior with its stunningly beautiful interior arches.

We also discovered a beautiful stained glass window of angels.

There was also an angel band above the Choir, which was just too funny not to photograph. gnine and I both concluded that Castiel would have a tamborine.

Below the cathedral, there was also a crypt, the highlight of which was an interesting carving of some poor man getting trampled by a horse. For some reason I was very draw to this stonework.

We ended the day by wandering through some markets and enjoying the sun. Shocking weather!

Finally, I must make a comment about the perfection and sheer joy of Jim Beaver attending the Barcelona convention. My dreams of oldman!love have all come true, and I shall be getting my photoshoot with him IMMEDIATELY. SO. HAPPY.

travellings, shokushu for you, photos, obsession du jour

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