What a weird week it's been. It started a bit horrifically with a traumatic class from hell trying to tutor a five year-old. Not sure I can do that ever again. Except I have to. On Monday. Shit.
I also had a very heated discussion with my boss about nationalism, trade unionism in Japan and the new Japanese government. It's interesting how much alike we are, but how much we disagree.
In less srs bsns, Supernatural continues to own my soul. I got up at 5am again today to watch it before work and despite all the delicious slashiness I'm not as convinced of the righteousness of my early rising as I was last week.
EDIT: I just realised my initial comments make it sound like I didn't actually enjoy this episode. Dont get me wrong. I should make it clear; I ADORED this episode and it shall be making me jizz my pants for many days to come. I have already messed up the accounts twice this morning because my brain is elsewhere.
Dean/Cas fun tiems was beautiful, there's no denying that. Cas's petrified face at the brothel is something I am just never going to forget for the sheer amount of adorable. But I did have to repress my urge to smack Cas for calling the place a den of iniquity very much. It is an unfortunate fact of my education that I somewhat lean towards sex workers rights and will not accept western mainstream moralities on the issue of selling sex. Perhaps stupidly, I expected Cas to be better than to buy in to human morality. Okay, and now I stop with the srsns. It's generally a bad idea to mix personal ethics and TV, but it's sometimes annoying.
Illustration 1: Graphic pornography may cause extreme anxiety in virginous angels:
What is also annoying is Sam's storyline. I think everyone and their pet goldfish guessed that Sam was Lucifer's vessel, so I was actually kind of hoping the writers wouldn't actually go there. Alas. Whilst the Michael/Lucifer, Dean/Sam makes for a nice parallel it's kind of dull. I do like the portrayal of Lucifer, not least because he seems to like dressing up as a woman. However, Sam, I love you, please stop boring me to tears.
And no SPN episode rant would be complete without a few words on Dean. I found his comparison of his search for his dad and Cas's search for God interesting, as it was not something I had considered. I loved that he was the one encouraging Cas to have faith, to not give up. I don't know how I feel about a God existing in terms of SPN. I find that the introduction of an all-powerful God-character in any story just never seems to go down very successfully. It's a cure all, and often makes for a boring anti-climax.
Whereas with all the Dean/Cas rabu rabu going around it should just be awash with climaxes. Tie-straightening, laughing together, personal space issues, having Deep and Meaningful Conversations, OIL. These things were glorious. I'm not convinced about Cas swearing, but he was pissed off and has been hanging around Dean so why not.
Illustration 2: Tie-straightening is a form of foreplay amongst human males:
In a strange coincidence, when Cas started speaking to Raphael('s vessel) in some unknown language, all I could think was, hang on. That sounds terribly familiar. It just so happens that only yesterday I was researching the
Enochian language for a fic I'm writing, and I kind of got sidetracked reading the Enochian-English Dictionary. Because, seriously, why would angels need a word for "girdle"? Anyway, that's what it sounded like to me, and I laughed. Not girdle specifically, I mean. But Enochian. It's pretty insane.
Now I have been spoilt hideously for next week's ep, which is infinitely annoying but was unavoidable in my need to find a streaming site. I hate AUs in any case, and I've already read enough to know I am really not going to like this episode, so I really don't think I'll be getting up at 5am again next week. For shame.
Hetalia live-action film?! WHUT?!