ah, income tax day...almost

Apr 15, 2012 16:50

Liam and I actually overpaid the feds last year, so we're getting a bit back--which will go straight off to the state. For some strange reason, even though we overpaid, the feds still want us to make estimated tax payments this year. I dunno, I don't understand how the guvmint works and I've worked for them almost all my career.

Since last Wednesday when we had our skunk adventure, I found out that my scratchy throat and cough wasn't due to seasonal allergies + skunk, but was actually bronchitis coming on. I was pretty sure about this by Thursday night, managed to get in to my doctor's office Friday morning and got a 'scrip for big time antibiotics. They are working.

While I was waiting in the little room at the doctor's office, I heard the saga of The Woman Whose Knees Hurt Because Her Breasts Are Too Big. Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay. What, you may ask was the connection between the large bosom and sore knees? Basically, according to her, the large breasts cause her to walk all hunched over. This bad posture causes strain on her legs and therefore the knee pain. I do not have a large chest [pause while those who know me say "No kidding!" in chorus] but I don't see how you could walk so slumped/hunched you make your knees hurt. Yes, I tried. Yes, I have a crummy knee thanks to a long-ago skiing accident that hurts with minimum provocation. I still can't figure it out.

Oh well, back to work tomorrow; the weather is supposed to be nice for the next week or ten days so I'm planning to get my tomato plants out of their pots and into the garden terraces. I also need to figure out what is nibbling on my mint plant; this one is a little odd since generally nothing eats herbs.
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