
Sep 05, 2005 22:19

omg last nite was hilarious! sami spent the nite lol woo neways she came over n we got on the computer n talked to ppl n shit. then her hunny bunn codeeee came over along with emiwee joe n da singer from IAE (sorry i forgot ur name at the moment) that was interesting codee spotted like 3 racoons n chased um lol it woulda been funny as hell if they came after him ahaha no offence cody lol after they left me n sami got food n back to the puder lol. we decided to spend the nite downstairs again so we could talk on the phone n shit without whisperin. well we took like 50 pillows n 2 blankets downstairs n hung out for awhile while i waitin for my josh to call me from his dads as 1 lol god it was so nice to talk to him! i missed his voice. :D then he had the idea to play truth or dare over the phone mwhaah lol well hes not that easy but he loves makin me do shit gr to him lol like his was to go out in the middle of my street(which is a main street!) IN JUS MY BRA AND UNDERWEAR! lol i was like woa ok? lol i did it i got a rush from it haha i was liek SAMI U GOTTA DO IT ITS AWESOME! so she did to then we went as far as dancin in the middel of the street half naked hahahaha we r dumb, jus imagin if we were drunk lmao!! i dun ever WANNA no! so then we finaly gave up n sami tok a nap n i finished talkin to josh <3 i have some serious feelings for the guy ppl.... he has been nothing but suportive of me and sweet to me, when i cry hes there for me, and:

He can make me laugh when I'm sadder then Sad
and make me smile when pissier then pissed.

hes the greatest so far, jus.....so far away :'(
we shall come up here round the 15th of december, be here for my b-day, and me my date to the steuben lol i want him to wear his dress miliary uniform... hehe GORGEOUS!!! (didnt scream that...lol)
ne ways when me n sami woke up round 11-12 the next morning we were on the puter..again lol and she helped me get info for josh on buses and the cost 200 somethin dollars for round trip!! DAMN so expenseive, its like only 10 dollars more to fly! then i ended up layin out to get sun b.c it was prettiful out. sami sat n called ppl lol and ate fatty j/m ur sexay babay! then we walked to my dads house b.c she had never met my dad(most of my friends havent) she was like....now i no where u get ur chin.... hahahaha
uh huh..... lol and he gave me a check for $50 b.c i wanted to get my hair trimmed n layered. i only got 50 b.c my mean aunt was there gr.. lol then she gave me n sami a ride back to my house lol then samis mom arrived like 5 minutes later!!! then i went to the bar where i sat and did nothing... lol well HAPPY LABOR DAY TO NEONE READIN THIS! lol

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