Let the filibustering begin...

Nov 04, 2008 22:17

First of all, to all Americans, of ever stripe:

We can be proud that this nation, 40 years after the end of segregation, has voted in it's first African-American President.

That's the end of the love fest for me tonight.

We voted in an avowed Marxist President, who made friends with convicted felons, worked closely with domestic terrorists, and believes and espouses the gutter orthodoxy of Black Liberation Theology.

We have also voted in a incompetent, lying, narcissistic Senator as a Vice President who makes Dan Quayle look brilliant.

America, sometimes you get what you wish for. By God's grace, these men won't destroy what we have fought so hard to build and protect.

When we see a civilian police force, funded to the equal level of the military, roaming our streets, encroaching on our civil liberties: MAYBE then, you will wake up.

When you see your taxes going through the roof, because of all of the upcoming bailouts, stimulus packages, and unfunded mandates: MAYBE then, you'll wake up.

When you realise that you have sold your children and your grandchildren out to the highest bidder, in the wants of "hope" and change": MAYBE then, you'll wake up.

God help this nation. We are embracing a culture of death, first with government approved abortions, and now in this state, legalised physician "assisted" suicide. When the price of human life is forfeit, we are in trouble. Rome literally sacrificed their children and their elderly, now we do it for convenience and "death with dignity". What a lie. What a fallacy. What a tragedy.

God...Jehovah Jireh...Jehovah Rohfi...help this nation.

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