Sep 16, 2008 21:18
Pelosi: Dems bear no responsibility for economic crisis
By Klaus Marre
Posted: 09/16/08 04:14 PM [ET]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, when asked Tuesday whether Democrats bear some of the responsibility regarding the current crisis on Wall Street, had a one-word answer: “No.”
Pelosi (D-Calif.) ripped President Bush’s “mismanagement” of the economy and a lack of regulation that led to the current situation.
“I think the American people have had it with this situation where the middle-income people in our country are not protected from the ramifications of the risk-taking and the greed of these financial institutions,” Pelosi told MSNBC.
When asked whether the Democrats “deserve some responsibility” regarding the economic crisis, Pelosi responded: “No.”
“John McCain said that this is a result of overregulation by the Democrats in Congress,” she added. “Either he doesn’t know what he's talking about or he’s misrepresenting the facts as he knows them. But it’s simply not true.”
Republicans responded quickly, pointing out that a Congress led by Democrats had not helped the economy.
“The Pelosi-Obama Congress has failed to pass an all-of-the-above energy plan, failed to stop earmarks, and failed to break the partisan gridlock that plagues Washington,” RNC spokesman Alex Conant said. “If Pelosi thinks the Democratic Congress is doing a good job handling the economy now, then just imagine how bad our economy would be if Democrats controlled the White House, too.”
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the leaders of the House and the Senate. They have been in control of Congress since 2006. OF COURSE THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE! The Republicans aren't off the hook either. They have not done their best to fight against Democrat pretzel logic when if comes to the economy. They have not shown the American people clearly how screwed up that the Democrats have made the economy, by increasing spending ON TOP OF what the Republicans did 2000-2006. Both parties are to blame, but this doesn't fall in the lap of George Bush. HE'S NOT A PART OF THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH! The CURRENT crisis is the result of both parties playing politics, instead of going to Washington to WORK. I am so incensed by this "We didn't do it" mentality on both sides. This is PRECISELY why I am an Independent.