Like Being Alive

Sep 25, 2009 14:40

I disappear from here for weeks at a time, but I'll always come home to you.

Life has been chaotic -- my portion of the apartment is a disaster, I've spent some time in the hospital, and I've spotted frightening sienna streaks of blood in a certain secretion I'd prefer not to name. I'd prefer to read Tom Robbins, but Philip Roth has felt more appropriately kindred.

In spite of it all, I'm perfectly content.
Must be the city.

Like I said -- isn't anything.

My musical preference has been drifting dangerously close to hippieish post-Grunge Gen X territory -- Pearl Jam, Meat Puppets, Butthole Surfers, Dinosaur Jr.... I welcome the jam. It has been fantastic.

If you aren't already aware, Clutch is playing the Fillmore next Wednesday. It'll be a family affair. Can't fucking wait.

And if you feel the need to be at all invested in my image self-assassination for the sake of at-risk youth, please contribute: The HAIR Foundation

If you see me at the bottom,
Please bring me my running shoes.
And if you see me getting caught up...
Yeah, you know what to do.
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