Nov 14, 2008 17:00
Just wanted to mention that this trip I'm on is AMAZING!!! through life as well as with these shrommzzz............. the screen is crazy..... like shit is oozing out ........seriouslyts it's taking over nnow
I'm trying to say smething abut it's very poersfuls. and if I don't focus on teh screen wow........... this trip is A FUCKING mazing.......... check out a fair or something......... with brightcolorsi This screen is playing tricks on me......... I am trying to say that it's the power of attraction of the screen having on me.... it's like whenever I look at it I'm fucked up........ I AM .......................... I can't remember shit and.................. up is at my father who isn't fucked up and it's a sobering effect .......... also from a a MT stance....... everything is short and protected.