OOC - App

May 23, 2011 19:59

Name: Shiny
Livejournal Username: Cavalcanti
E-mail: satiricalhavoc@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: punchhopping
Timezone: CST
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Ankh
Series: Kamen Rider OOO
Timeline: Episode 44
Canon Resource Links: http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Ankh

Personality:Ankh is not a very easy person to understand. As he is, Ankh is a(the) Bird Greeed and thus not human. The values and morals of humans mean nothing to him. Human life also seems to be a small and frivolous thing in his eyes. Seeing, however, as his existence was man-made and his situation man-caused in the first place, the reason for his disposition may have stemmed from this.

At first glance he is cold, demanding, selfish and ignorant to the needs of others. What matters the most to him is using what and who is available in order to get what he wants. No matter what, the thing that matters to him the most will always be him himself and his own needs. Humans, their needs, lives, morals and way of life mean nothing to him in the beginning and still don't now. The humans living with him find him hard to deal with and even harder to reason with. Personally he shows no change towards them and tries very hard to remain the strong Greeed that he (thinks he) is, but the truth as become that he’s grown to care for them.

Within that said, he has yet to truly hurt anyone. He might have a bad relationship with one or two humans in particular, but he mostly ignores humans and avoids truly hurting any of them. He would rather people be able to take care of and watch out for themselves. If there is something seriously wrong, he will bite his tongue or call attention to the injured. Usually this could be seen as just him being annoyed, but the fact still stands that he does it quite often. He also shows concern for Eiji, his partner, more than just a few times. This can also be seen as something for personal reasons, but their bond goes a lot deeper and more needy than the surface, but I digress. This is a subject for a different paragraph essay.

Speaking of annoyed, Ankh is very impatient and quick to anger. He will only follow someone else’s plans or demands for as long as it can keep his interest. If he sees no results in a time-frame that he finds best, he usually takes matters in to his own hands. However, when a situation is out of his hands to control, his anger flares and the yelling begins. At no point is he the least bit lazy or completely unwilling to do the work himself, but his of being is an issue of his survival and because of it he must trust in others; this being the one thing he hates more than anything. He hates trusting anyone something he should be able to do himself. To him, humans and Greeeds alike can't be trusted regardless of being forced to work with both. Since his partnership with OOO, he has learned trust and patience, but it does not stop all of his fits of anger. At best it could just be said that the worse of it as been quelled to an everyday spiteful nature. In the end as long as the actions and what must be done can be justified by his desires and ends, then he will bite his tongue and do it.

Ankh is very resourceful and intelligent when he can be bothered to care about the situation before him. If the opportunity is right and the plan doesn't seem to be a particularly bad one, he will carry it out and make it work. If he thinks you will be perfectly fine if he carries out a plan that isn't entirely safe- and it is in the end better for everyone - do believe he will do it no matter what happens to you in the process. An example of this would be when he literally threw Eiji off the roof of a rather tall building and into the river just as a diversionary tactic, and not an eyelash was batted at the thought Eiji could have possibly died of it.

What he refuses to tell anyway, especially his partner, is his personal thoughts. This is to say that Ankh is a very private person. Be it his past, his feelings or his current thoughts, he will usually not share any of them with anyone. It takes a lot for him to speak his mind when it's not about how upset or irritated he is at a current situation or he's just ordering someone around. He would much rather the things he said just be followed without questioning what he is thinking or doing behind it.

Let's not forget that at the heart of it all, Ankh truly is a bird. He dresses in a way to grab attention of the people around, quite unlike the human he is possessing use to do before he took residence. When he speaks, cocks his head around pointedly when he is making a point and a lot more wildly when he is angry. He 'makes nest' where he sleeps and spends a majority of his time there either eating ice cream or playing with his iPad when he is not out hunting Yummys.

In the end, Ankh actually is a very good partner to have. Sure he can be selfish and sometimes he doesn't listen, but he will only push a point so far. If he sees it is pointless or the other person is focused on something else, he will not bother fighting it unless it is something that seriously and personally effects him. At times he can even be nice! It is very few and far between, but he can be. He truly is learning slowly how to be compassionate towards humans, it's just a very slow-going process.

+ Fast learner
+ Determined
+ Dependable (to a point)
+ Planning and managment
+ Self-preservation

- Quick to anger
- Unsympathetic
- Secretive
- Selfish
- Doesn’t understand how to handle human emotions (be it his own or others)

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Team Rocket
Starter: Charmander (Nickname: Mango)
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample:

[When the feed turns on, Ankh can be seen sitting on the bed in the tiny room he woke up in.]

Goldenrod City, that’s what this place is? I guess I’ll hang around here a little longer. I need to find out what’s going on and plan from there. Since they issued me this small monster, I’ll use it to achieve my desires.

[Waits a moment, looking off to the side at an unidentified object and then looks at the camera again]

Where are the trainers sent out from when they arrive at this strange place? Even if I have no desire to deal with him, I should at least keep tabs on if he’s been brought to this strange place too.

If you’ve see an idiot running around in his underwear, tell me where you saw him. That might be easier.

Third Person Sample:

To begin with, he hated this uniform. There was no part of it he liked. It was plain-looking and drab. Having discovered the money he was given and after a little bit of research in the situation and place he found himself in, he tried to go buy new clothes. Sadly he didn’t have enough PokeDollars yet and had to wait a few more paychecks before the Team Rocket uniform could be no more. A sound of displeasure was given and he resorted to walking around the uncomfortable town, his Charmander beside him.

The biggest change had nothing to do with the clothes, but the fact he was fully human and had none of his abilities. Once again he had been crippled, but this time in a more permanent way. It would take more research to find out how to not only undo the change, but how to get back. Since that plight was over all pointless at the current moment, he had turned to the "Rocket Mission" to find out what his purpose in this world was. A bit of further research showed him the actions of Team Rocket, Ankh quickly dismissing it as pointless and stupid. He refused to listen to the desires of others and was not going to do someone elses dirty work for them. Until this "Team Rocket" could provide him with why he should be doing anything for them at all, he was not counting himself among their ranks.

Another issue he had was how these power creatures, Pokemon he’d learned they’re called, was to be held in small balls and kept prisoner. How could anyone think that was useful or even remotely smart? Then again, he himself felt a bit sympathetic to them since he was held in a seal for 800 years and that was nigh uncomfortable. It wasn’t like anyone you ask him about something simple, and when Mango had given him a questioning look, Ankh had only huffed a laugh and exclaimed that the PokeBall could be used for much better things than holding an already perfectly obedient tool in captivity.

Back on topic, Ankh seemed to be stopping every few dozen steps and checking the PokeConnect. He didn’t mention to the small Pokemon what he was looking for, but by the looks Ankh was giving it, he could tell that he was waiting someone or news of someone. It was true, Ankh was waiting to hear something, anything about one person in particular, but not even he had noticed he was doing it until he caught Mango staring.

"It’s nothing. Stop staring at me," he said sharply, tch-ing and slipping the device into his pocket.
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