"...But I am not Kirk, Spock, Luke, Buck, Flash or Arthur Frelling Dent...."

Jul 19, 2008 21:38

So, wow, I haven't updated in forever! I am sad because for quite awhile there I could access good ol' LJ from work, but no longer. TBTB blocked it. Unfortunately after being on the computer at work all day, I usually don't log on first thing and then before you know it, it's been weeks since you updated. Here's my stab at it all, real life, fangirlness, you name it...

The past week has been no bueno on the health front! Sunday I has my first ER trip after developing an allergic reaction to something I ate. Yeah, that was fun! Went on Friday and got all poked and prodded with those allergy tests. The allergist thinks my food allergy is a tree nut allergy. She also discovered I am a walking freakin' allergic person -- especially to environmental allergies -- and said I was a good candidate for allergy shots. Turns out among my many allergies....cats! Oh lordy, just don't tell my kitties Sebastian & Ellie. Ah well, I'll just have to make some modifications and try to minimize cat hair on the bed, etc 'cause they aren't going anywhere. After my fun trip to the ER I managed to develop bronchitis. The antibiotics are doing their thing but talk about timing! All of this happens on the week I was supposed to get so much done at work. Ha! At least I am feeling more human. Hoping to feel much more normal by Monday.

On my geekdom/fangirl front I went to my first Harry Potter symposium, Portus, which was held here Dallas. Got to spend the weekend with
cat_mom ,
shakespearechic , 
immolationogram and all the other cool peeps who were present. See the family that Potters together stays together!! LOL. I truly enjoyed hearing Jim Dale (the man who has done all of the audio recordings of the books). He has really brightened many of my otherwise boring car rides. I also got to meet and hear from Dr. Henry Jenkins, one of the keynote speakers. My friend Debra had gone on about him forever and I was curious to see why she was such a fan. He is the Director of the MIT Comparative Media Studies Program and a really intelligent, witty, and insightful speaker. Also develed into the world of wizard rock. Pretty talented folks out there. I am trying to figure out if you could call wizard rock and outgrowth of filking but....not sure. I bought some CDs cause I really liked what I heard.

I also finished my watching of the absolutely fantastic sci-fi series, Farscape. I admit it took me a few episodes to get into it and then it was addictive. I came to the fandom late, after the show was already cancelled but in someways I am so lucky. I cannot imagine having to wait a year and a half for the series to be resolved in the mini-series! Pins and needles!! My friends Debra and
brandylina had been going on and on about the show but I totally get it now!! Great acting, writing, stories...everything you want sci-fi to be. I cannot recommend the show enough. Ben Browder and Claudia Black (see my purty icon) have such amazing chemistry and are fab to watch, so much so that I think I can be persuaded to get into the behemoth that is Stargate SG-1(both stars ended up on the last few seasons). Yeah I've got a new fandom to <3. :)

Getting really excited about the new X-Files movie coming out next Friday too. The X-Files was one of my core fandoms during the late middle and high school years and I relish diving back into all that. I even went and bought the Revelations DVD to get all the commentary and scoop on the new movie -- plus I love all the episodes they chose as the movie primer, oh and the free movie ticket doesn't hurt. Ah the memories of good ol' Mulder & Scully.

All of this is leading up to my return trip at the end of August to DragonCon in Atlanta. Had an absolute blast last year. It was so wonderful to be able to fully embrace all my various fandoms again and so freely. This year I am definitely going with all my various fandom shirts! :) Last year I didn't being any of my "geeky" stuff but this year I'm embracing it! I forgot how really fulfilling it is...you get all excited about a show and get to connect with all these fabulous folks out there. Pretty cool.

farscape, x-files, dragon con, portus

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