Jan 24, 2005 02:09
people at ODU are too judgmental. I figured out, that is why so many people arent happy here. At my school you have to drink or party in order to do anything. even if you are in a club or in a group, its what they do. I know thats pretty much what college is. its the experience of a lifetime right? well I dont feel like Im experienceing much right now. granted it is 2 am on a sunday after 4 days of no school but seriously. right now my 2-D art class is the only interesting thing going on. i dont want to join theatre here and I know I enjoyed it in highschool but its not something I want to do right now. Im trying to become comfortable with art again, seeing as I had that difficult time with it....
all in all there arent people at this school that are like me. I have good reason to be here like money, transportation, family etc. but sometimes I wonder if I should have gone away to school. if it would have been better for me or not. I am going to try to not let it get to me because its something I just have to get over and grow up about, but I think I have the right to be happy at the school I go to.
it really sucks that there is nothing I want to get involved with here. maybe if I live on campus next year it will help, though I might just go looking into other schools. I DUNNO... Im done complaining.
should try to sleep, work at 8 class till 1:50 then lots of reading for gen 101 so I dont bomb again :(
goodnight hope all is well for you all :)