Nov 04, 2008 20:34
I got my computer back!!
So here's the story: Megatron (My computer) was going all wonky on me, processing very slowly to the point that it would take nearly 5 minutes to load a page that would normally take .5 seconds. I found out that there were several (count: 12) infections on him, and promptly deleted them, thinking that would solve everything.
I was wrong. Dead wrong.
I tried to turn on ol' Mega, and quickly found out that it wouldn't go past the Windows XP loading screen. I cried for a while, and one day managed to get on and snag some files I really needed before giving up on him entirely. The problem went unfixed for about a month or so, since it would've taken over $200 to fix him, and, well...I'm broke. Until about a few days ago, my girlfriend's mom told me to go fix my computer and paid for the whole thing.
And I got it back today. It's so good to be loved~
So now that I have it back, I wanna say how pissed off I am that some people can't take criticism. I posted a comment on a stupid post, only to find out it got deleted because the person apparently can't handle the fact that what they said was complete horse-shit. Fuck 'em then. It's not my fault you don't know the difference between two characters. And quit having people lick your ass like the stuff coming out of there is the gospel truth. I think it's a pretty sad sight to have losers blindly agree with whatever you say because they think you're so fucking cool.
Guess what: you're not.
You're just some ordinary person who wants to be cool and somehow acquired "friends" who don't know their asses from holes in the ground.
Now that that's out of the way, fuck the PSP and Sony, too.
Their internet capability sucks so hard it may as well change its name to Dyson. Yeah, I updated that shit. Nobody buys Hoovers anymore, unless you're ugly.
You can barely look at sites on it, it can't handle images so you need to reduce the quality of them and then save them to your PSP to view them clearly. And in doing that, you have to close your browser to go to the photos section, and to go back you have to restart the browser. Fuck you Sony! I shouldn't have to turn this into some game of tag just because you don't know how to make a decent online tool! You fail.
Oh, and let's get into how it can't handle pages with a lot of data on it. It will actually tell you that it's too much for the PSP's tiny fagmo frame to withstand, and then pretty much blow up in your hands, leaving you with crispy nubs so you never forget why you lost your precious digits to such a piece of shitty hardware. Grr. It even says it can play flash, but once you try it pretty much states, and I loosely quote: "Sorry, we lied. Blow me if you're angry, 'coz I don't like your face."
It's something like that, I swear to god.
Fuck the PSP. It doesn't even have that many good games. I played Valkyrie Profile for a while, and man..that game is severely overrated. It's too long, the voice-overs are atrocious, and lord save me if it could have a worse armor/combat system. The fights get boring so quickly, and when they're not being a visit at your deaf grandmother's (you know, the one with the house that smells like cats, but you haven't seen one in like...4 years), it's unbelievably one-sided. Either you kick the shit out of enemies to the point where they boycott your presence in their home, or they beat the shit out of you so badly they may as well open up a colon detox business.
That game sucks, if I could give it a letter grade, I would opt for some unknown letter in sanskrit that sounds like two fat men vomiting out their bratwurst and miller lite snack after watching Monday Night Football.
They don't have MNF anymore, do they? whatever, I don't even really like sports.
What else...? OH! I got an XBOX. I only have three games: The Darkness, GTA IV, and Eternal Sonata, and I beat the Darkness with the speed of a cheetah in rocket car. In other words, really fucking fast. It was really good, too, although too short for my tastes. Just when I was getting into it, I find out I'm pretty much done. It had some creepy moments in it, too, thanks to the graphics and the fact that my tv resolution was kind of funny. I found myself jumping at certain objects or people, and quickly squirming away as my twin darkness eel thingies took some damage and bit out some hearts. Pretty nice.
I've been playing Eternal Sonata, and as great as it is (read: really great), I haven't played in about a week or so. I dunno what it is, I just haven't really been in the mood to play. I'm in an ice forest now, and I've noticed that in every RPG whenever I get to somewhere with ice, snow, or a Dairy Queen I always wish that I could somehow skip it. Or have someone play it. And then ask me to pay them for their services, only for me to tell them it's not that serious of a deal, that it's just business, bro (you'll laugh at this pumpkin~), and they need to get out of my house.
What was I talking about?
Oh, right. ES. Anyhoo, it's a great game, and I don't know how it's going to end, which I really like. I'm fixin' to get Dead Space, which I heard was delicious, and Gears of War 2. Oh, but I need GoW 1 first, so imma get on that.
Oh and I voted today~ I bet on black.