It's been four years. I'm starting over.

Jul 08, 2011 23:43

My last journal entry was June 2007 - over four years ago. At the time, I was feeling kinda weary about Livejournal. I didn't have much confidence in my creative skills. And I wasn't sure where I stood in visual novel and romance game fandom.

Well, I decided to start over. Several reasons, really...

1. I want to start writing again, and actually complete stuff. It's still easy to feel depressed about my creative skills, and it's definitely easy to get distracted. But I know that I don't know how much time I have. I could die in a few minutes, or in fifty years. So I want to say I accomplished something.

2. This journal may help me keep myself honest. I can use it to report progress, or *perhaps* write scenes. The process of writing without giving up is difficult. But this journal may air me in that process.

3. Oh yeah, and I'm still following the visual novel / romance game scene. So if I have something to say about games and stories which are translated or written in English, or some comments on adaptations and similar media, I will write it here. Every now and then.

So this blog is now called Renai Renaissance ~romance reborn~. Why? Because it fits, and I like alliteration.

In the next few days, I will start creating a fairly simple VN. One that I feel passionate about. One that only requires a few characters, settings, and resources. And one that'll allow me to work with a deadline. Aside from that, I'm not committing to anything.

Thanks for all your support and patience, internet. Good night.
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