Always at the top!
I encourage you to raise any issues you may have with my portrayal of Ayu here. If you think I'm moving away from her actual character, give me an example here and I'll do my best to fix it if (as is fully possible) I feel it's a valid complaint (and if I don't want to change anything, I will give you my reasoning). If you have any questions about why Ayu did something or why she did it in the way she did, ask!
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elspeth_vimes. My AIM sn is Elspeth Vimes, but I'm afraid you can't expect to find me there.
For reference:
Medical info: I'm taking Ayu from around the beginning of canon, though I hope to move her through it. This means that the person you're seeing...isn't the real Ayu. She's more along the lines of an amazingly solid astroprojection. The real Ayu has been lying in a coma for seven years. People who would notice are free to note that there's about her body. However, please don't say anything to her about it. She's repressed her actual state and won't remember it for a while. In any case, she gets hurt and similar things just like a normal person, the oddest obvious aspect of her health is that she never gets sick.
Notes for the psychics: A particularly strong psychic could probably figure out that Ayu's projecting herself from her coma. Other than that, she was left almost entirely on her own as a child for a while after her mother's death, an event which she took very badly and which continues to influence her. Her main purpose in projecting herself is to find her old best friend and first love, Yuuichi, as they promised. She is, however, aware that he might have changed and won't be too vehement about being in love with him (not until they've met again and spent more time together). She's convinced herself that she's really a normal person, but if pressed she has trouble with details, like her home and school.
What's okay to mention around her: Pretty much anything. But she does react pretty badly to two things. Ghosts freak her out (my theory is that they come a little closer to reminder her of certain things than she likes). She also gets really upset when people close to her, especially a "familial" figure, get very sick, it throws her back to her mother's death.
Abilities: ...She runs fast and hides well?
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/slash?: I don't think the first two would really work at this point, and I'm going to say no to the third.
Maim/Murder/Death: Minor injuries only, please.
Kissing/hugging/badtouch: Hugging's fine if you're a friend, but any kissing will make her freak out, be very embarrassed, and then be very angry. Badtouch would have the same reaction as kissing, but rather more extreme.
Easiest way to get on her good side: Buy her taiyaki. ...Yes, I'm serious.
Easiest way to get on her bad side: Ayu tends to let people be on her good side until decent evidence suggests they shouldn't be. Threatening or seriously belittling someone she considers a friend will get you into the bad books pretty easily, though.