Somewhere else....

Nov 01, 2007 11:28

It's been a while since I've posted anything substantial here so I figure I'm pasted due.

I went to the Mercury last night to meet a friend that I haven't seen in a while. I walked in the door and was overwhelmed with smoke. I had a headache within 30 seconds that impaired my focus so much that when
schwarze_krahe  asked me who I was there to meet I couldn't remember her name. I remembered it as soon as I saw her but for that frustrating, confused moment I couldn't make the connection. I saw at least three people that I'd rather not see again until they kill their drama and quit talking s*** about me. I don't drink and I don't smoke. The mercury holds nothing for me anymore which is a conclusion I had come to a while ago but wasn't quite ready to act on.

So Alison, I, and three other friends sat in what felt like fish bowl in the pool room watching all the pretty costumes float by through the haze of smoke and candlelight. It was a disconnected disconcerting feeling that I think I will avoid in the future.

The few friends that I only saw at the Mercury I will have to make an effort to get together with in other places. Such as.....

Meet me for coffee at Top Pot on 5th ave this Sunday at 6ish then we'll
go and watch Bladerunner: The Final Cut at the Cinerama at 7:30pm.
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