Jan 25, 2005 22:14
Right now, I am so pissed off, I want to kill someone, I want to cry and scream and beat the bloody fuck out of some one.
e.e e.e >o
Okay, so back in September/October I did this drawing and it was really good. It was a magnolia, with a piece of drift wood and the border was barbed wire, I had drawn it in ink and colored it in pastels. I thought that it was a really great piece, but obviously somebody else didn't. So I put it in the Harris County Fair and it won 1st place and Best in show for my school district. Then it went to silent auction, where it got sold. I've waited since October to find out how much and I just got the fucking check today.
The bitch payed me $25.65. 25. Fucking. Dollars. And. 65. Cents! WHAT! THE! FUCK!?
I know damn well that drawing was worth way fucking more than 25 god damned dollars! And I'm supposed to write a fucking thank you note?!!?!?! Yeah, thanks for fucking nothing! I just want to call that lady up and tell her "You know what? You can tell that lady she can have her fucking money back and give me my fucking picture back!" I really want to just rip up this God damned check right now. Thats total fucking bullshit! The matting on that picture was probably at least 20 damn dollars! I was hoping for at least 75, but fuck. I wrote in that thank you note some shit about "thanks for helping me futher my artistic future and helping put money toward my college." 25 dollars isn't gonna help with shit. OH MY GOD! I'm never gonna get over this. I have to go see this lady so I can get a photo of my picture for my AP portfolio. I'm afraid that I'll punch the bitch when I see her. I really think I should just right a new thank you note, that says "Thanks for buying my picture, I'd like it back now. I would just love to thank you for being a cheap bitch. Sincerely,
Fuck You.
p.s. sincere my ass"
I would absolutely just love to do that! God damn it all. e.e I fucking hate people sometimes....