Feb 14, 2007 10:27
Well, today was absolute PROOF that bad things come in threes. This week has been absolutely shitty. And I'm using the Karolina icon to prove it, which I only use when everything has gone to absolute fuck and back.
One: I can't find my cell phone charger, which means I'll have to buy a new one. Odds are it's in my room, but I can't find it and I probably never will anywhere I look for it, until I buy a new one. Then it will randomly turn up and I'll have two. Story of my life.
Two: The ongoing saga of the computer demon. Three days to reformat and reconfigure my computer, and most things still aren't on it. Admittedly none of the things I've lost are programs I absolutely need to live (that's reserved for AIM and the Internet) and all my personal files, writing, music, pictures, and the like, are safe, but still. It should not have taken that long and been that confusing. Yes, I did indeed have a virus. Still not entirely sure what it did. Guess we'll find out not at all.
And if that wasn't enough, try
THREE: My car broke down.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.
I had to call Sarah to come jump me, which she did, but it died again when I tried to put the headlights on. It was either the battery or the alternator - and it was really, really looking like it was the alternator, both because of how bad it was and the fact that the battery had given me absolutely NO WARNING about it. I couldn't call my parents, didn't WANT to call them, and had NO MONEY. Yes, NO MONEY, and a need to get it fixed IMMEDIATELY. I had to go to work with no headlights and no windshield wipers (in a fairly heavy rain), spent four hours freaking out about it, then my break at SuperWalMart having the engine checked and the battery replaced. Kevin A (a bagger) and Kevin D (a cashier) were both SUPER WONDERFUL and lent me sixty dollars between them to get it replaced, so I have to pay them back but I don't mind that because they are wonderful wonderful people. My parents don't know this happened and never will.
And to top it all off, my bank account's overdrawn somehow and I'm PMSing. Fun week!