end of harry potter for the summer, tear tear

Aug 03, 2010 16:13

Woo hoo I am back home. Er that is to say my parents' house. That means you should all come visit me, and stuff. Er, those that want to and are in the area. Which putting those together may not be all that many. But you are offered, certainly! Not that I mind hanging out with my parents and sister all the time, but it'd be nice to branch out.

I've had a pretty hectic past few days, but they've been good. But some miracle or other I managed to get rid of my bed, and move everything out of my apartment into my car and the car my mom was driving by midday Saturday. And we did most of the packing up of stuff (and selling my desk) on Friday. Meanwhile my roommate's been slowly moving out all month. I guess I just do things at the last minute? Anyway, despite my best efforts, and unexpected traffic, I ended up being half an hour late to my concert. Frustrating b/c I thought I left at a decent time. But I still got to see most of said concert, and it was so much fun. One last time to see my socal wrock friends. The 10 or so of us regulars singing and dancing along to every song, while the majority of the room (let's call them 'muggles') got to experience wizard rock for the first (or so) time. Let's just say that watching muggles listen to 'Brotherly Love' for the first time next gets old, ever. So many lulz. And with plenty of kids in the room. It occurs to me that wizard rock in general is a big Getting Crap Past the Radar fest, and no one ever notices, b/c "it's about Harry Potter; it must be for kids!"

And then, I was planning to drive all night to get home, but one of my friends invited me to come hang out at her house, stay the night, and then drive back the next morning! And I couldn't refuse, of course. We made Harry Potter cookies ( by which I mean, sugar cookies in the shape of witch hats or lightning bolts scars ) and then spent three hours, I kid you not, playing the following game:

It went like this: there were seven of us (to start out with), so we each got one Harry Potter book. Then we would each open to a random page (so this is a variation of Potter Diving), and each read one word from our page, and go around the circle continuously. This was a bit slow, so eventually we switched to phrases (that is, 'to first punctuation'). And let me just say, if you play this game long enough, it's amazing how many dirty-sounding mini-fanfics you can come up with. Or just in general, it's amazing how many perfectly innocuous phrases sound totally dirty (or at least strange) out of context. Or how many "said X person" you will get in a row. I think my favorite that I remember was: "Ron stayed up all night giving Harry advice like" "that's a girl's bathroom Harry!" The first is from PS/SS, Quidditch practice, the second from one of the Moaning Myrtle bathroom scenes.

So yeah. That's just how nerds party, I guess.

And then I came home, and yesterday I had the most harrowing dentist appointment I've had since I got my wisdom teeth out. I should mention this is the first time I've had cavities since I was five, so I didn't have much basis for what it would be like. Two hours of my mouth being drilled while my jaw was held open, and I had a hard time breathing b/c my mouth was covered and my nose is like permanently stuffed up. And swallowing my spit, which invariably had whatever kind of weird stuff they were putting into my mouth by loads. I don't even want to KNOW what I ingested. Ew. So I kind of did nothing yesterday after that. I came home, took a nap, and started reading one of the free books I got at comic con.

So now, I guess, is when my summer-of-nothingness kinda starts. Or rather, now is when I have a giant block of time to get stuff done, and not much scheduled. These things are the following:

1. Finish my last class of school. I should be done by the end of this week. I hope.
2. Go through allll my stuff from college and alllll my stuff at home, either recycling papers or giving stuff away to Good Will. Not looking forward to this, ugh.
3. Find a job. The biggie. Won't be going anywhere till I do this.

Other than that, I have little things to do, like fix my bike, fix my ipod, and try to find a way to clear off my computer harddrive, but those are the main things.
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