
Jul 21, 2010 14:45

Omg you guys, I seriously just slept 21 hours straight. I guess it is nothing short of a minor miracle that I managed to stay up all night monday night working on my project after an extremely sleep-depped week, and function on tuesday for the duration of meeting with my advisor. It is so sad this project - it has been mostly worked on through weekly all-nighters, rather than working on it steadily a bit every day, which is what I'm supposed to be doing. Oh well, don't regret going to Infinitus AT ALL. Except that, oh look, I'm about to do exactly the same thing next week, b/c this week is comic con! For four days, and then I am meeting with my advisor on monday morning. So I guess I better get something done today. But I have so many things to get done before comic con, I don't know how that will happen either. Clearly I am having way too much fun this summer. *nods* Somehow in a week and a half, I have to be out of my apartment and done with school. I was going to add "and find a job" but let's be realistic now. I guess, despite my lofty goals, I won't be starting the job search until august. Oops.

But ANYWAY. I had this conversation with my roommate, after coming back from Infinitus:

Me: Look at my totally awesome swag that I got from the Universal Harry Potter park! I got a Ravenclaw hat, a Ravenclaw scarf, two Ravenclaw shirts, a Ravenclaw luggage tag, a Ravenclaw keychain, and a Ravenclaw patch for my robe.
Roommate: ....Oh, so I take it you're a fan of Ravenclaw?
Me: Oh no *laugh*, I'm in Ravenclaw

...And then it just occurred to me how silly that sounded. To like, everyone not in fandom. B/c you see, in fandom, especially wizard rock, it's a common question to ask what house someone's in, and they always have an answer for you, even if they have to grimace and admit that they're a little of two houses (and then they will give you a detailed explanation as to why, and ultimately pick one in the end.) Strongly identifying with a house is also extremely common, as is liking a band because of, or making a band strongly themed around a particular house. People will often use their house as a reason why they are good/bad at something. This is why Hufflepuff is so popular in fandom! That would just never be the case among laypeople who just like harry potter rather than love it. (Also, did you know that Ravenclaw is the house that's losing in the castle on the way to the Forbidden Journey ride? I object!)

Because picking a house isn't just something I did on a whim, either. It actually took me quite awhile to come up with Ravenclaw definitively. It took me awhile to understand (whether or not other people also use this metric) that what you value and how you approach the world is more important for picking a house than what you are per se. The sorting hat in the book doesn't really use this narrative, but I know it to be basically true anyway. Because who knows what they are or has done amazing things at age 11, anyway?

And then I totally had a long description for why I'm in Ravenclaw here, but decided to delete it b/c I have a hard time describing it without feeling like I'm either bragging, putting down myself, or putting down others. Maybe later I'll try again.

I guess I will have to make posts about Infinitus in more than one post. Because it was long and awesome! And then upload pictures too. Though I don't have time to do all that before comic con. Agh!
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