В кратце почему я выбрал Бразилию, как место для стажировки ..
Если быть честным до конца, то всё-таки, Бразилия - это первое место, которое нашлось, и это достаточно далеко, а мне хотелось куда-нить подальше ( если предложили бы Австралию тоже поехал бы ) и я особо долго не думал .. ( если долго думать, то можно ещё долго уезжать .. и в конце концов не уехать ), в целом хотелось чего-то сложного, чтоб проверить себя и в конце концов так быстрее учишься ( главное не перегнуть и не сломаться ).
Просто перепечатал письмо.
Oi, Natália!
Tudo bem?
I would like to ask you for a favor... We are elaborating our newsletter and we would like to say a little things about you, what do you think?
We need to know your age, which city you are from and a little text saying why you chose Brazil and what are your expectations...
Hello there!
I'm Marsel and from Russia.
I'm 24 years old .. and I was born in Kumertau, but actually last 8 years I lived in Ufa.
I used to dance couple dances.
I graduated my university ( Aviation Technical University ) in 2006. My Faculty was informatics and robots technics. I worked till 2 years and then I decided to change something in my life: my job and going abroad.
I know about Brazil from soap operas .. for us (russians) Brazil is very interesting country, with very different cultural, weather (here is warm =) ), people and language.
My reasons summary:
-interesting Brazilian people;
-Many differences;
-Web-development (It's exactly which I was looking) I like this job;
My expectations are getting experience, knowing about cultural and enjoying.
I guess that's all.
Thanks for attention. ;)
p/s Taipov Marsel