I finally made a cover for my Kobo Vox! I totally stole the idea from
Gord, who wondered why I hadn’t done one myself yet, since I was complaining about not having a cover yet.
Well, I had to fix that.
I went to the library, but they didn’t have anything suitable for sale, so I ended up at a thrift store, where I snagged a copy of A Little Princess for $1. It was a touch shorter than I’d been looking for, but the book itself was too perfect to pass up. It even had one of those ribbon bookmarks that I left in place.
I made a big mess of my living room floor with all the paper shreds, but it worked out really well! I used my Dremmel to smooth out the edges and make sure the corners were rounded enough
Check it out:
Ta da! I’m very pleased with how this turned out.
(Also, I set up a new gallery plugin. I’m still getting used to it. I can’t find a way to import my old gallery photos yet.)
~ Originally post on
my blog ♪ ♥ ♫