Abstract Art is Fraudulent

May 29, 2005 21:17

Dictionary.com's definition of "abstract art":

abstract art
n : an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation [syn: abstractionism]

Taintfuck.com's definition of "abstract art":

abstract art
n: bullshit. Also see: "fraud"

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not one to put down art that is well-done. I mean, look at my art work. I'm brilliant. But anyone who asserts themselves as an "abstract artist" is a fucking fraud and should be thrown in prison. For those of you who aren't very articulate, basically abstract art is an artist's thoughts or emotions (usually painted) slathered all over into a jumbled mess, having no clear form, or any clear meaning, for that matter.

Abstract artists think they are extraordinarily insightful and brilliant. They're arrogance makes me want to saw their neck off with a cheese grater. Well, I have some art of my own. I entitled this little piece, "Piece of Shit Abstract Artist Trying To Scam Ignorant Morons Who Will Take Any Kind of Bullshit That is Spoon Fed to Them But Doesn't Know That He's Scamming Them Because He Himself Thinks He Actually Has Talent"

The painting I drew the abstract artist drawing is the stereotypical version of what the majority of abstract artists paint. And you better take this seriously, because stereotypes turn out to be right most of the time. Especially the ones I point out. Anyway, the attention-loving glory whore of an artist will always just throw random non-sense up onto the paper, and then blither on about how it shows that society is decaying on us and we are all just sheep waiting for it to happen, or something to that effect. Get fucked.

To be fair, and to show that I can do anything better than anyone, I gave abstract art a try.

Wow, I too, am able to slather inane figures onto a sheet of paper. Give me millions of dollars. Tools.

I challenge Picasso to an art contest. Everyone makes such a big deal about him. Let's see how well that pussy does trying to draw in MS Paint. Plus, he's dead, and I'm not. I win.

Did you know that fraud is not only illegal, but is a federal offense? So why haven't all the abstract artists been rounded up and thrown in prison? I don't know either. But they should be. I just coughed so hard that I almost vomitted all over my cock.

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