I do this about once a year...

Oct 02, 2009 10:49

I thought I should actually post on my life. I'd write a novel like steph and sam when they post, but I really get tired after about 2 paragraphs... but trust me my 2 paragraphs are always literary gold.

So, I'm down in Nashville TN working as a part of the Jesuit Volunteer program. What's that you ask? Shut up and stop interrupting with questions and I may just tell you. JV is a program where you volunteer for a year and focus on simple living and community and kind of live in an intentional community. I'm living with 5 girls and one other guy, so it reminds me of high school all over again. We live in East Nashville, which can best be described by the fact that each alcohol store has a pawn shop right next to it and when you go to buy beer it takes longer because you have to interact with the clerk through bullet proof glass. There was also a large drug bust down my street last week.

We are basically volunteers who get our housing and food paid for, but on top of that we only get 80 dollars a month to live on. they don't' want you using any extra money either, so that's about it. This limits the amount of great country shows I can go to, but does increase our awareness for places with cheap cover charges. Yep, last week we went to the WIld Horse saloon for 2 dollars and did about 2 hours of line dancing. That is pretty exhausting. Oh, on a side note: If you can't tell already I've kind of fallen for country music. Nashville is the home of T Swift, Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, and any other number of country stars you can talk about. I now have a soft spot in my heart for Lady Antibellum too.

My work is at a place called Project Return. I work with ex felons who have jsut been released from prison and help them find food, housing, jobs, medication, and basically anything else they need. It can be unnerving... I work with anyone from people caught with an o of weed to people who have killed 3 people, and even sex offenders. I had a woman come in last week who broke down in tears in my office because she hadn't gotten over the fact taht she killed her husband while protecting her child in a domestic dispute. Although, on the bright side this is teaching me I still REALLLLY want to be a public defender or something, because despite what they did I want to help each and every one of them and feel bad for their current situation.

My boss is crazy... He's the biggest type A personality I've ever worked with. Also, he killed a guy and did time in prison. And he drummed for Kenny Rogers. And the Drifters. And he wrote and produced the super bowl shuffle! (SUsan, stand up.. .I know you jsut fainted)

Take care all
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