Jun 11, 2004 23:07
so yeh today was umm .. well annoying
wont bore u with the grave details of my life but will just some up
townies are a bunch of cunts .. there ya go , got off the bus after exam in college let some guy park up his drive with pikeys sitting behind him reviing up , so they decide to give me grief coz i was standing there watching him park , so make a swift 10 min walk home turn in to 4/5 mins , coz i knew the fuckers that were in there , not personally just the many times i let lair at there fucked up cars and stupid looking hats :) so yeh .. fun times
exam was allright , not too hard but some really fooked up Q's , so hopefully got a good grade out of it , done most of it right i hope :)
12 exams to go , gonna spend the weekend revising so hopefully will be all good :) and will get clear of the exams and move in to the holidays to do nthing and enjoy myself :)
n e way , wont bore u with my life n e more :)
- Marc