
Aug 27, 2004 23:29

heyhey it's offical. i got emo enough to have a live journal even though i'm definantly not like that. ohhhh well. anyway, i'm at home with annie, sam, and jen. good times, these girls are kickass.

so what's been going on this word ::amazing::...for like the first half of the summer i worked at saint pat's day camp with a lot of awesome people, like pof+2 (me, sam, hillary, linds, danielle marsh, marygrace, + amanda) good times man. all the other counsilers were pretty chill to. the only thing that really blew was that we got paid $3 an hour for harddddddd work. like, these kids get out of control to the point where you need to jump ontop of a desk and scream at them. good one sam, way to be. as much as i bitched i'm probably gunna work there next year. ::loser::

so then for like most of august i went to sleepaway camp. it was sooo good. for two weeks i went upstate to unirondack. these kids are the freakin shit, like you have no idea. some highlights? 1.talent show where we dressed up as barbies 2.ninjew night 3.the rumpas (huge bondfire that you dance around while people bang on drums. and it was pouring. i was sooo muddy but it was crazy fun) 4.dare or dare night (basically sam, ryan, alex and I got an insane sugar high off koolaid during intersession and played jenga dare...and then expanded on the dares, oh man it was so funny, everyone in the lodge was like right..) 5.the dances (ah skeet skeet skeet) 6.mud wrestling (i kicked gwen's ass but me and sam tied) 7.baja unirondack (me + alexis trying to tap amon in a canoe :)) 8.estrogen fest ("shut the fuck up mother teresa"-nina) 9.skeet (oh man) 10.beanie man (i love nina and her ghetto booty) 11.bag under chadwick (so fucking hilarious) 12.put it in my mouth (hahaha) 13."poke fest" (ha camping with nerddyyy of the brilliant things to come out of this annoying kid's mouth. ok another story, me and olivia were talking and one of us said something about beer so this kid comes out of nowhere and was like 'wait beer, like real beer?' and we were like ?! and he was like 'are you guys serious?' and i was like no i was talking about rootbeer ::rolls eyes:: and he's like 'ohhhh i totally missed the root'). i miss you guys like woah and you need to come visit me.

the other sleepaway camp, sophia fahs, was on shelter island for a week. k, so the one thing i can say about this camp is i definantly just go for the people. they have a natzi motif going on throughout the staff but there's some suffolk county regulations blah blah...whatever the kids are amazing. and i think i broke about every rule there was...minus the like bringing weapons to camp one. good effing times. shoutouts to the grads, it really won't be the same next year. i love you guys.

anyways, we're gunna go be badass. talk to you laterrrrr

<3, jill
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