Nov 30, 2008 06:52
I'm wide awake and the people who are here are all asleep. You know, I've decided I'm a fucking idiot. I will admit, I didn't want Liz here. I only invited her because I'm not an ass, but you know I don't give a fuck if she knows how I feel. The problem in my head was that I used to have a lot of feelings for her. Yes it was a long, long time ago... but seeing how alcohol is a depressant, I could see myself thinking about her like I used to and making myself miserable because that is how I work. Pretty fucking stupid right?
I had a great time though this past night. I drank Joel under the table and have been up longer than everyone. I sent a text message to someone that I would love a response to, but she is asleep and me & her were both inebriated when I sent it. So I don't know how she'll take it, and I'm not gonna lie...I am kinda regretting it. When you tell a friend you like her, it can ruin the entire friendship and Liz is the perfect example of that.
I don't think any of you realize that I do avoid talking to Liz when we are in a public gathering. I may talk to her online from time to time, but that is only because I want to talk to someone and she's the only one on.
You know telling me that you miss me, only pushes me farther away. I don't want to be the fool again.
This whole being single thing is a fucking joke too. I mean, I know I am a decent guy and everyone either overlooks me or is too fucking embarrassed to say they like me. Wtf... I'm the quiet shy guy who is gonna fall easily for whoever gives me attention. I fuckin hate hearing "You'll find someone". Yeah fucking right. I work in a fast food restaraunt, I'm extremely over weight and this whole society bases everything on fucking looks. So I fucking give up.