Aug 24, 2005 19:04
I am at UCF again and to start the year off I went out for a hair cut, I was cutting when I relized I am not quite sure I want it short again, so I just trimmed it. Hell I could change my mind in the blink of an eye, thats the way my brain has been functioning lately. HOT COLD left right and all that paradoxical shit.
Class has been interesting the only thing of note is that I actually enjoyed Spanish class.
I also was not to bad with the classes first few assignments which was all easy intro stuff but out of everybody I was doing fairly well. Remebered my nmbers and what not
I have been circleing around issues like vultures around fresh carion, they have kept me up at night and invaded the littlest of thoughts. I got some news from the doctors but nothing to report really everything has been vauge, so I have researched what I could online only to find out to be sure anything you need more tests and that of course means more money. I have a lead for a job, I hope it plays out cause if it does it would meen skateboarding distance and a field I am good with, something just chill, and of course it will pay the rent... which is due all to soon.
I am trying to learn to love myself because you can't love others untill you love yourself, well someware down the road aways I lost sight of who I am. Finding ME has proved itself difficult and frustrating. I am afraid to attach myself to the simplest of things of fear that I will inevitably reject it and cause discomfort. I also find myself lost in moral conflict and mental disre. Honorable thoughts or Lustful indulgence I can't find the balance which I had so keenly known not 5 years ago.
well this was long enough, my hats off to anyone who reads it. although I dought anyone will comment >=( bastards