May 28, 2008 04:18
Well it's summertime again. which means usually that this blog will be updated EVEN LESS. Shocker, i know.
I suppose an update of news from last time: 2.9 semester, went home for a week, not playing enough smash bros. still, came back to hartford, got an RA single for summerterm, playing lots of wow and sleeping. Complaining about computer and monitor but too lazy to find new things. Beat zelda. Beat mario. Cant beat the cave of ordeals. haven't gotten past 61 stars.
Need more Brawl.
Need more Kristin. Shes coming up June 13th. That's forever away.
Propagandalt's gear is finished save venge shoulders. Shtepenpuppy is now 63 pushing 64 as result of no games as of late. Deadliest Crotch appears to be dead, time to find new teams as Propaganda is practically a free agent in all brackets. How sad. Training a new 3s RWD with mike on propalt. Warrior is newb but decently aware of surroundings so we'll see. Jon is racing holton to 70 with his pally. Bought my warrior a fast mount. ell oh ell money.
Home this weekend for Smeet's extravaganza. Hope to see some fellas there.
Politics is amusing, Physics is droll and a test of endurance. Tim and Chris, CS majors in my year are there and make it very bearable however. I would not be well off otherwise i realize. Jim actually graduated, or so we all believe at the moment. I think it still hinges on one professor but at this point i think it wouldnt be the end of the world in a worst case scenario. He's "living life" in a condescending fashion. Hopefully it's what he wants. I aim to become better friends with Cindy. Vernon best move in nextdoor, i will mold him into a good brawl player.