May 20, 2005 16:06
In this glorious country of The United States, there is something that a majority of the population lacks. This is assertiveness. When I say assertiveness, I mean "the ability to stand up for oneself". I am reminded of this everyday I am forced/coerced into sitting and listening to someone bitch about the way things are or about occurences in their life that they "have no control over".
The fact is...these people, to me, seem to be timid of others. Thats right, those who do not stand up for themselves are AFRAID OF PEOPLE. Yeah. All of you. Cowards. If someone makes you angry, let them know. Be civil about it mind you, but at least let them know. The problem is, wanting to fit in. This is not just a high school thing. This exists all the way till death. Fitting in at work, at schools, in bars/clubs...whatever the situation may be. But the thing that I can not understand is, Why do you care what someone else thinks about you? It is understandable in small towns where everyone knows each other and it is hard to escape from your past. But in cities, you are just another face in the crowd and if you don't want to see someone again or talk to them again, you just dont do it.
I love my pothead brothers and sisters. We are all like family but frankly, they all want marijuana legalized but refuse to do anything about it. They dont donate to NORML, they dont act out, they dont protest, they dont sign petitions, they dont write essays, they dont do anything but get high and bitch. That frustrates me to no end. If every pothead in the country stood up and let their voice be heard, the sheer numbers would be enough to start a revolution (which America is in desperate need of).
I shall continue this essay at another point because I have just angered myself contemplating this subject. have a nice day all.