Nov 20, 2006 03:05
Caro mio ben,
My dear beloved,
Credimi almen,
believe me at least,
Senza di te languisce il cor.
without you my heart languishes.
Il tuo fedel
Your faithful one
Sospira ognor.
always sighs;
Cessa, crudel,
cease, cruel one,
Tanto rigor!
so much punishment!
Caro mio ben,
My dear beloved,
Credimi almen,
believe me at least,
Senza di te languisce il cor.
I always thought that was a pretty song. reason, I just always did. And I don't know why I thought of it either. Gah, I need a piano to work off of. Then I could play the stupid piece myself.
I saw two people who looked exactly like Alice and the idiot today. I...this is too much for me. That girl just might be Alice, except for her eyes... her eyes were red, like mine, and not that pretty shade of violet both her and Rayne's are. And the wasn't him. Some guy named Soubi. That's all.
I need space. I need a piano. And I need not to be around people for a long period of time.
...and I just thought of a piano and one came, just like Rufus Shinra said. I just need a place to stay until I get my bearings. I hear there's an Opera House. Maybe they need a piano player...