I finally finished my fic for the Labyrinth Fic Exchange a few days ago. I had a few road blocks that made it difficult to meet my deadline (I had to ask for an extension) but it is submitted and done. I apologize in advance to My Recipient. I feel like my story is crap but I did what I could
dmacabre ssures me that all Mystery Authors feels like this, but needless to say, I'm not exactly happy with it in the least. Especially after reading stories on ff.net or elsewhere that seem amazing. But oh well. My plan is to later expand and rewrite it after the challenge is over (If Mme. Muse cooperates). I actually do have ideas to build on, but didn't have time to add them.
Good luck to anyone struggling to finish up! I'm glad to be able to focus on my schoolwork now. Heck, who am I kidding? I'm completely distracted by Les Miserables right now. But I don't have any other commitments now, so no excuses for me. Again, good luck! Looking forward to every story coming in! (Except my own, of course. Nervous is I.)