♖ Seventeeth Entry § [voice]

Jan 22, 2011 02:18

Quite frankly, I'm tired of being in this place, and all this talk of it having no exit is simply preposterous. One does not simply walk into a city without being able to leave it, whatever this trickery is.

And I'm afraid I'm also getting quite tired of others insisting I am someone else. Whoever this Riff fellow is, I'm hardly him despite the coincidence. More of the city's trickery, perhaps. I'm far more prone to believe in facts and science, but this is certainly getting overwhelming and I'd appreciate an end to it.

((OOC: Cry Me a River event'd!Riff... who also happens to have forgotten basically everything. UUH. I don't even know. Feel free to try talking sense into him, guys. He's just gonna be kind of bratty for the moment :|b ))

curse: memory loss, event: cry me a river

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