♖ Thirtieth Entry § [accidental video]

Sep 11, 2011 02:56

[ The video turns on with a flicker, wobbly and unclear as the Network Device is apparently turned over clumsily a few times-- in a pair of very small hands ( Read more... )

aww look how cute he is, so confused right now, curse: aged down, bb butler

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1/? misterblackbird September 11 2011, 15:43:08 UTC
[Oh, someone else has been cursed to be a child again... That's always a bad sort of thing to endure here... ... ...]


misterblackbird September 11 2011, 15:43:40 UTC
[Wait a moment...]


misterblackbird September 11 2011, 15:44:13 UTC
[It can't possibly...]


misterblackbird September 11 2011, 15:45:04 UTC
[Now what? ... Well, this is no time to panic, first. It's only a curse. But someone has to keep him out of trouble.]


[Video;] | Done misterblackbird September 11 2011, 15:46:13 UTC
How did you get in there? Have you been misplaced?


[Video;] | <3! bittybutler September 12 2011, 03:02:13 UTC
[The little box with buttons speaks suddenly, and it startles little Riff so badly, he drops it with a gasp and a loud clatter.]


[Video;] misterblackbird September 12 2011, 03:10:11 UTC

Don't be alarmed. This isn't anything more remarkable than a telegram, really.

If you'll wait a moment, I'll come up and speak to you in person.


[Video;] bittybutler September 12 2011, 03:45:06 UTC
A-- telegram?

[He stares down at the Network Device dubiously, picking it back up with slow, wary movements, as though afraid it might start wiggling around in his fingers like a live fish.]

Um. Mister...? Where are you? Where am I?


[Video;] misterblackbird September 12 2011, 03:50:48 UTC
[This is one of the worst days ever for Cain, since it looks like he'll have to look after Riff, but he will try and give Riff his best smile.]

I'm only a few doors down from you--I recognize your...that room you've found yourself in. You're in the City at the moment, but you needn't worry.


[Video;] bittybutler September 12 2011, 03:55:04 UTC
In London?

Do you-- Are you acquainted with my father, perhaps, sir?


[Video;] misterblackbird September 12 2011, 03:56:46 UTC
[Dodging the London question for now...]

No, not quite, though I'm acquainted with someone who is acquainted with him, so I think I have heard of you before.

I think I should like to meet you for myself, if you don't mind.


[Video;] bittybutler September 12 2011, 04:07:46 UTC
O-okay. [he didn't mean to stutter. it was probably rude. Riff tried harder to sound more grown-up and less horribly-confused.]

If you could please come meet me here, sir, I- I'm afraid I'm not sure where I am.

[Or how he's gotten here, which really is a puzzle.]


[Video;] misterblackbird September 12 2011, 04:15:06 UTC
I should be glad to. Half a moment.


[Now, he's closed up his Network device, but he yet takes a moment to compose himself or at least to prepare himself. He had already suspected that Riff might be cursed this morning, since nothing was quite right--nor had been quite right this whole weekend. But there was yet something unsettling--more unsettling than he had considered--in encountering Riff (of all people) as he was in his younger days. It was, in a way, unthinkable. Riff was not to be so small and so helpless. It did not suit Cain in the least. He was to be taller and stronger and always at hand and to know (somehow) where Cain was at all times and to understand his very thoughts. It was an affront, really, for the City to render him so small and helpless that now Cain would have to look after him.

But he would look after him.

And so, bearing this in mind, he turned down the hall and to Riff's room (though he didn't remember it at the moment) and knocked on the door.]


[Action;] bittybutler September 12 2011, 04:19:43 UTC
[The sudden knock surprises him--he's very susceptible to being startled right now, though--and Riff jumps a little before telling himself to go open the door, that it's okay. The nice man on the telegram said he would come find him.

So he trudges over to the door and tries very hard to draw himself up tall and look at least a little less bewildered. Turning the knob, he opens the door and steps aside to let the man in, staring up at him with large blue eyes.]

Good day, Mister. Thank you for coming to find me. I'm very sorry to have gotten myself so-- turned around.

[Which wasn't at all the word for it, but it seemed silly suddenly to admit how totally and helplessly lost he'd suddenly gotten. Waking up in a strange room like this... What a terrible feeling.]


[Action;] misterblackbird September 12 2011, 04:22:21 UTC
[He seems so like himself, even at this age. It's almost haunting. There's something melancholy in it all, to see Riff so near to the age that Cain was when they first met...]

Good day. It's a pleasure to meet you, even under such circumstances. Cain Hargreaves, if you please.

[And he offered his hand.]


[Action;] bittybutler September 12 2011, 04:25:02 UTC
[Goodness, how rude of him, to have completely forgotten to introduce himself in his stress. Riff looks momentarily taken aback and then stunned, blinking up at the hand offered him before carefully taking it to shake it politely.]

I- I have heard my father mention you before, I think, Mr Hargreaves.

My name is Riffael Raffit, sir. It is very nice to make your acquaintance.


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