Mar 06, 2007 01:44
Dear asshole,
Let me take you on a short journey to way back in time. We were close and I worshipped you for being a sweet ass friend but things turned sour somehow during our last two years in school. I started to hate your guts ever since I discovered what a foul mouth you had and what dirty lies you can spread. You hurt many people in your quest to gain sympathy and you received your moment of glory when everyone believed your deceits. I lost many who I had thought to be my friends because of you. Fine, I had let that go because from what I figure, the ones who decided to believe you in the first place prove to not be worthy enough to be with me anyway. So from the stunts you’ve pulled, I have learned the true meaning of friendship and in a way it brought my girls closer to me because they were the only ones who knew me best.
Now I have moved on to college and was free from your cock talks, or so I had thought. Only recently I had found out that apparently you have not stopped your little bullshit tirade. Why do you find it necessary to work hard on tainting my reputation, you weird little bastard? It has been 5 years since our last encounter and I had pretty much moved on and couldn’t care less about your existence but then you somehow managed to wriggle your fat ass back into the picture.
For fucks sake you incorrigible little monster, it has been 5 bloody years. I think it’s sufficient enough for me to have thought that you had finally ceased to scatter deceptions about me. Yes I am bothered by the stories you have circulated and yes I am hurt to think of the people that believed you. I am not like you, I don’t spread lies about you to random people I just met, nor to those who know you. Your name and your disgusting traits come up only when I am in the situation where my friends and I have conversations about liars/people in our hatelist which by the way, you’re the highest ranked. Hurrah. Oh and I don’t even have to lie, your bastard-ish personality shines through without me having to exaggerate even the tinniest bit.
From what I can recall, you have attempted to come off as the good guy by apologizing to me for about 2-3 times for the past few years. The last time though I decided to forgive you as I had come to a comprehension that you’re not an immortal spawn of Satan and that you could die just like the rest of us. And no, I did not want to put together the shredded friendship and you are probably sore about that. To clarify matters; I did not bother to be a friend because you are one of the worst people I have ever met. Nonetheless, the score was supposed to be 0-0 from then on.
But then you couldn’t resist bad mouthing me again, can you. Hell, I must have annoyed the shit out of you back then to still be subjected to such mean stories. So to make things clear, however insignificant this may sound, I will never fucking forgive you, you vile vile creature *kriss-kross*.
I have never wished someone major ill wishes before, but for you, you pig headed ogre, I make an exception. I hope you die a very slow and agonizing death in a freak accident that involves garlics, a wooden stake and a bottle of insect repellent. Think about it, you’d get the attention you have always craved for and people will remember you for a very long time. Sure, I’d even throw in a few sympathy tears but then again I’d also crack open a few cans of beers to celebrate. Cheers.
An Old Friend.
righteous indignations,
royal rants,